The floor is the stage for the entire home design, and the area occupied by the life is also the largest, so the color of the floor becomes the background and foundation of the entire home design. Nowadays, the wooden flooring is made of various materials and the colors are also varied. Different colors of wooden flooring will create different home atmospheres.

So how do you choose the color of the wooden floor? How to match it is best to watch? These points must not be missed!

1. Lighting

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The lighting conditions in the house determine the choice of the color of the wooden floor. Good lighting, no matter the shade of the floor will look good; the room with poor lighting, should avoid the use of dark floor, which will make the room more dull. Instead, a warm-colored, light-colored floor can be used to increase the brightness of the space and increase comfort.

2. Area Size

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Different colors can cause different visual effects. A small room should choose a cool dark color or a clean and simple wooden floor, which can create a feeling of space expansion; on the contrary, if you use a warm color floor, the space will be relatively narrow. In the choice of suits, small rooms should prefer small textures or straight lines to avoid large and chaotic patterns.

3. Decoration style

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The choice of wood floor color has a lot to do with the decoration style. Chinese style decoration is mostly in the reddish color of the floor; Nordic style home decoration is generally selected white wood grain floor; European style floor color should be biased; Japanese style, usually the log color floor.

4. Age stage

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The younger the age, the more like the floor is full of color, so that it is energetic and reflects its flamboyant personality. When middle-aged people are mature, most of them will choose a lighter, lighter and quiet floor, and more space-conscious style; older people It will prefer a thick, stable, luxurious floor.

5. Furniture color

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In terms of color, light-colored furniture can be combined with wood flooring in shades of color, but the combination of dark furniture and dark wood flooring can easily make the whole room too dark and repressed. Because the floor decoration is a permanent decoration, it is not usually replaced frequently, so it is safe to choose a neutral color.

How to match

1. White floor + gray wall

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If you want a quiet home atmosphere, white wood flooring is a good choice. The walls can be grayish white, without the feeling of “top-heavy” and adjusting the atmosphere.

2. Yellow floor + green wall

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The yellow wooden floor gives a warm and comfortable feel. The choice of walls can use the “adjacent color” rule to pick green that is close to yellow, which will make the space look warm. My friend is a yellow wooden floor, so try this combination, the effect is great~

3. Black brown floor + pink tone ivory wall

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The black-brown wood floor is a dark-toned floor. It has a strong appeal and expressiveness. With a powder-toned ivory wall, it not only coordinates the overall color of the house, but also transforms the space style into a more lively.

4. Dark brown floor + beige wall

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Dark brown wood flooring is darker in color. In order to increase the brightness of the interior space, many users choose to paint the walls in white. In fact, this will make the floor color darker. It is better to change to lighter white or other light colors of the same color. This kind of color and dark brown will be more harmonious, and can also expand the visual effect of the space.

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